Process of Deploying a Virtual Assistant

A proven 5-Step process for quickly deploying your virtual assistant with India Virtual Assistant.
india virtual assistant

Process Discovery & Skill Identification

We begin by understanding the business process you wish to outsource, so we are perfectly clear on the skills your virtual assistant would need. Typical questions we will put to you are; How many hours do you need per week and what time zone would the work be performed? What skills and experience are required of your virtual assistant? What would the work entail (the process)?


Contractual Formalities

Once we have completely understood the business processes you wish to outsource to a virtual assistant we would sign a simple contract and soon after deploy a suitably skilled virtual assistant at our office in Delhi, India. We do not charge any advance payment unlike many of our competitors and you can exit the contract by providing just a 1-month notice.


Deployment of your Virtual Assistant

Once your project is initiated a Project Manager would be assigned to you. He/she will be your first point of contact al through your project. Based on the skill sets required we will identify the right virtual assistant to deploy to your project. We only hire the best English speaking VAs from India. Our recruitment and assessment methods are highly advanced. The client is welcome to conduct a technical interview/test in case the process is technical in nature. Virtual Assistant deployment usually takes 1-2 weeks from the signing of contract.


Training & Onboarding

We welcome our clients to our office in India to train their virtual assistants in person. In some cases, our Project Managers have gone to our client’s offices to get trained as well. Mostly however, clients train their virtual assistants in India via Skype, Google Hangout or other collaborative tools. We encourage our clients to provide a project training manual which can always be referred to during the project. Your Project Manager along with the deployed VA are trained as per your requirement and develop adequate skills to function effectively.


Project Execution & Performance Management

Now your trained virtual assistant is ready for taking on the tasks and delivering as per pre-agreed quality & efficiency norms. The Project Manager who is also trained on the process monitors the team continually and rates their performance as per pre-agreed performance metrics and reports daily/weekly or as agreed to you. Regular communication via video calls ensures that your VA becomes like an extension of your on-site team. We are always looking to enhance the process and improve whenever possible by sharing insights on how it could be done faster or better.

What's included with your VA?

The Right People

We’ll deploy talented and experienced virtual assistants as per your business needs, whether they be Entry-Level, Mid-Level, or Manager level.

The Right Management

All clients are assigned experienced Project Managers who benefit from decades of combined experience in the Indian virtual assistant industry.

The Right Price

All clients are assigned experienced Project Managers who benefit from decades of combined experience in the Indian virtual assistant industry.

The Right Environment

Your virtual assistant works from our modern office in Delhi, India & is provided with fast computers, high speed internet, phones & ergonomic furniture along with complimentary refreshments & other benefits. Virtual phone numbers and calls are also available for clients.

The Right Tools

We’ll provide your virtual assistant with latest business technologies and tools they need to provide quality service. We strictly enforce the best practices of data security as per ISO 27001 to ensure that your data and processes remain secure at all times.

The Right Service

With a well-rounded virtual personal assistant, you can operate your business 24/7 in a multi-shift environment to get more done faster.

Benefits of Hiring Virtual Assistants from India Virtual Assistant Company


Outsourcing Reduces Cost

The biggest benefit of outsourcing has always been cost-savings. Outsource your non-core tasks to India Virtual Assistant Company to drastically reduce your manpower costs.


Focus on Business Growth

Outsource non-core tasks which unnecessarily keeps you & your teams busy to virtual assistants in India. Do the stuff which matters most and leave the rest to us.


Scale Up or Down with Ease

Easily scale the size and composition of your remote assistant team to suit your immediate business requirement.


Increase in Productivity

With a virtual assistant in India you are able to operate your business around the clock. Our virtual assistants work 24/7 and on holidays too.


Access to Top Talent

We screen and hire virtual assistants with the exact skill sets that you need and relevant experience. Hiring a virtual assistant from India gives you access to talent at a 50% or lesser cost than your home country.

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Reduced Risks & Legal Liability

Outsourcing tasks to a virtual assistant reduce your liability and risks associated with hiring in-house employees.