Using a Virtual Assistant for Email Management

Every busy professional or business owner would agree when we say that answering emails takes a lot of time every day. It also interrupts your day and takes away attention from more important tasks. Email is preferred mode of communication and it’s not surprising to end up spending hours each day simply replying to the incessant emails which keep filling one’s inbox. While important emails from clients, vendors, partners etc. need your attention, there are many email on which you are simply kept in CC or there are tons of generic emails, promotional emails and even spam mails which eat away into your productivity and disturb your daily flow.

Top executive usually outsource the task of screening their Inbox to their personal assistants however that is an expensive proposition. At India Virtual Assistant we can assign a part-time or full-time virtual assistant who can manage your Inbox sitting right here in India. This can free up a lot of your time and at low cost as well. The virtual assistant would be fluent in business English and would have experience in managing emails for a busy executive. You shall get a dedicated virtual assistant who would learn about your business, job role etc. and be able to work seamlessly to help you screen and answer emails as trained. Of course, any email requiring your immediate attention would be flagged and you would be notified of the same. This email screening and answering service works great if you are out of office mostly on business trip, sales meetings or even vacationing with family. Your virtual assistant works nonstop and ensure your email inbox is always monitored and emails promptly replied to.

We have very flexible virtual assistant plans to suit every need, from just 20 hours/month to a full time virtual assistant who is trained and dedicated to your project. Get in touch with us today!

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