Using a Virtual Assistant for Appointment Scheduling

Sales is the bedrock on which great companies are built. In today’s times leads come in from numerous sources and need to be warmed (i.e called many times) before the prospective customers agree to hearing out the sales pitch or even consider meeting with a member of the sales team.

Having your sales team call out to validate leads and warm leads is a futile exercise which will drive down their productivity. Instead, you can outsource this entire lead generation, validation and appointment scheduling function to a virtual assistant with India Virtual Assistant.

Our professionally trained VAs can screen the leads, make calls to enquire about the prospects current requirement and schedule appointments with your sales team. Apart from appointment setting for sales, we also do appointment scheduling for clinics, dentists, lawyers, accountants, medical practitioners, etc.

Outsourcing appointment scheduling to our virtual assistants will not only save you tons of money but also boost the productivity of your sales team. Our Virtual Assistants can work 24×7 and cover any time zone. We have VOIP phone numbers from all major countries to make calls anywhere.

Our VAs can provide you the following services in the area of appointment setting:

– Scheduling customer / prospect meetings.

– Scheduling of the employee discussions.

– Confirmation/scheduling of the meeting through e-mails.

– Updating the calendar with all the required meetings.

– Planning of participation in various business fairs and exhibitions.

– Planning of any meal meetings with the clients.

– Scheduling meetings with overseas clients.

We have very flexible virtual assistant plans to suit every need, from just 20 hours/month to a full time virtual assistant who is trained and dedicated to your project. Get in touch with us today!

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